URL Encoding

The table below contains information about URL encoded values that will assist when integrating to our services. Any request data sent to our API that is not encoded, may result in unexpected errors.

Alpha characters include 'A-Z', '–', '_’, '.' , and 'a-z'.

Alpha-Numeric characters include all the Alpha characters above plus the numbers '0-9'.

The Alpha characters can also include the following as long as they are URL encoded:

Character Windows-1252
Space %20
! %21
" %22
# %23
$ %24
% %25
& %26
( %28
) %29
* %2A
+ %2B
, %2C
/ %2F
: %3A
; %3B
< %3C
= %3D
> %3E
? %3F
@ %40
[ %5B
\ %5C
] %5D
^ %5E
` %60
{ %7B
| %7C
} %7D
~ %7E